Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i don't know if the author should trust nick. i mean he could be one of those spy people! She could die or disappear or end up as one of those people on the wall. I think that is a very cruel thing to do! to murder someone and then to put it on display like it was some sort of side show and then people passing by should think that it is a ordinary thing to see. that reminds me of Hitler! or well Mussolini. we were learning about him in US today. Today was about how Hitler died and he killed himself because he was scared of what would happen to him or his body anyway. Mussolini's body was shot, hung upside down in the downtown and then let people piss and spit on it.. and rot... which is what i was imagining when i was reading it tonight. And in the end i don't think she should trust nick like that no matter how much he might seem like a good guy. he could be someone under cover that is trying to expose her as doing something bad so that he can turn her in!

But on the other hand she sounds basically sex starved.. not that i myself would know anything about that but i have heard that it can be a very fierce desire.... and she makes him sound very hot =P

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